How much more must suffer?
The reborn is back!
had been so long since I wrote something. It is not finished the enthusiasm for this hobby.
I was distracted from my everyday life.
Only great people, continue to "grind stones," despite the obstacles they encounter. I have never been a large, but not even consider myself one who lets himself be influenced by the events that we reserve life and our choices. I am a human being like so many others one that falls, but learning with the necessary time, how and when to get up.
I wanted to make this premise, because I would like you soffermaste watching what is happening around us:
- political and administrative level in disaster, our money and our resources;
- ignorant and uncaring selfish that fuel chaos, rudeness and discontent.
look like just two things, but in fact, conceal a multitude of other issues!
not nor intend to expand, to philosophical discourse, utopian and ucronici.
The only thing to do is try to change. Change our habits and customs. Fare (in the sense of rolling up your sleeves) rather than complain and finally gain respect!
An example that might give us pause: the question of waste in Campania.
these, only a few of the many aspects, causes and consequences: selfishness, mafia interests, pollution, health and health care, employment, social and economic impacts ...
Think with your head. It 's a gift from God or Chuqui we have created.
Why suffer, giving the impression of having given the brain through the shredder?
will see that from here a few days, the matter will also affect the waste Sicily, but as always will be only a matter of a few days ... then the media distract us with the Cogne crime, with Big Brother and Carla Bruni's menstrual cycle.
I'm thinking of doing a mail run to raise awareness. In fact, I will definitely!
not a trivial chain santantoniana vaffaday nor an action.
We are tired, we still want to be?